
سخنرانی درباره علوم شناختی درک طنز

عنوان سخنرانی: سرعت پاسخ به دو سوال “خنده دار بود؟” و “عجیب بود؟” چه تفاوتی دارد؟

در این سخنرانی با مشخص کردن تمایز رفتاری در درک طنز و معرفی دو نظریه شناختی مرتبط با آن به شواهد تایید یکی از این نظریه ها پرداخته می‌شود.

دکتر السیو تورالدو دانشیار دانشگاه پاویا در این‌باره در پژوهشکدهٔ علوم شناختی پژوهشگاه دانش‌های بنیادی (IPM) سخنرانی کرده‌است.


Dr. Alessio Toraldo


 ویدیوی این سخنرانی را در زیر ببینید.



Title: How fast are responses to “is it funny” and “is it strange” questions?

Speaker: Dr. Alessio Toraldo

AffiliationUniversity of Pavia, Italy



We aimed at investigating humor empirically by applying a cognitive-psychology approach, thus focusing on a specific humor task. Thirty-two participants listened to 30 jokes intermixed with 30 non-jokes that had an implausible ending, and decided whether or not each stimulus was funny (Humor Decision Task, HDT). In a control task, 30 plausible stories and 30 stories with an implausible ending were intermixed and participants decided whether or not each stimulus was “strange” (Implausibility Decision Task, IDT). Response times (RT) on correct responses indicated that the two tasks involve different cognitive operations: while “funny” responses were 256 ms faster than “not-funny” responses, “strange” responses took the same time as “not-strange” ones. IDT results could be explained by assuming that participants used the degree of semantic overlap between the setup and the ending of the story to select a response. As for HDT, we had two different cognitive accounts, the “recognition” and the “sequential attempts” hypotheses. On the former, participants activate long-term-memory (LTM) abstract representations of the jokes’ semantic structures; on the latter, participants use a trial-and-error strategy to solve the puzzle posed by a punchline that is not already available in LTM. RT on incorrect responses favoured the “sequential attempts” hypothesis.


Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2021

                              16:00 – 17:30 (Tehran)

                              13:30 – 15:00 (CET)

                              Dey 1, 1400


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